Woohoo, it's finally time to camp! Welcome back. But as you may be aware, we're opening the campground only to seasonal camping at this time and with temporary conditions as we responsibly respond to the current public health situation. So, for the purpose of providing a safe and healthy environment for everyone, please:
Continue to uphold the CDC guidelines for social distancing--both at your campsite and in the store.
Don't gather more than 10 people in one place--even around your camp fire.
Be aware that the shower houses and playgrounds are still closed.
Be advised that the store is open but with limited hours.
Be mindful of others' whereabouts.
Sanitize your area and wash your hands often; you can buy hand sanitizer in the store.
Anywho, you know what to do... be your wonderful, kind, thoughtful selves. And now for the more important things to know as we start camping:
1. Hip hip hooray for our 9 new family members:
Jean Braam / Cristal Hays (S8)
Heidi Arens / Robert Erdman (S302)
Chris & MarcieHall (S311)
Chase & Ashley Huntley (313)
Bob & Rhonda Moeller (S17)
John & Sandy Heisler (S318)
TJ & Heather Tigges (S325)
Zak & Delaney Vreeland (S411)
Christopher Martin/Laura Liffrig (S420)
Mike & Victoria Tepley (S431)
2. A general list of start of the season MUST-DOs:
Septic pipe. Your camper needs a tight seal on the septic pipe. All lines should be PVC, no septic hoses. The campground will supply all the 3” pipe you need. Let me know if you need help with the fittings and equipment to secure these connections.
Hoses and cords. They need to be tied up so we can trim under and around your camper. When you connect your water hoses, flush the lines by letting water run in your sink for a while.
Sheds/storage. Well... sheds are not allowed, but storage containers are. They should be smallish, and conform with other storage containers around you.
Electricity. Please do your part to conserve. Don’t run your air for weeks at a time between visits. It doesn’t take long to cool your trailer down when you get here.
Firewood pallets. In case you don't know, a pallet is a bunch of wood stacked 4' x 4', enough for the whole season--give or take. Cost $110 delivered. We'd like to get in our order this weekend so we can get the wood to you.
Garbage. It’s picked up only on weekends twice a day: Friday-Sunday around 9a.m. & 4p.m. Please tie your bags and set them along side the road for pick up. If you’re here during the week (or after we pick up on Sunday afternoon), you need to get your garbage to the dumpster. As you know, four dumpsters are located in front of the two silos near the entrance.
Recycling. Yes, it’s still illegal to put corrugated cardboard in a landfill in Iowa. So if you have empty boxes to get rid of (including pizza boxes), leave them alongside your garbage (on weekends) or next to one of the dumpsters at the entrance (anytime).
Canoes & kayaks. You can store your river vessels on racks that are empty in the Lean-to, please do NOT store them under or around your camper.
Golf carts. Hmmmm. We only have three simple rules to follow: (1) drive slow... or slower than slow. (2) drive on the roads, not across the lawns. (3) drivers must be at least 12 years old/6th grade. Let's go for 100% compliance this season.
3. A general list of start of the season MUST-KNOWs:
SOCIAL ACTIVITIESSeasonal Directory. Please look over the attachment and let us know what you want to add or change in your listing--especially those who are missing phone #s and emails.
WiFI. Your seasonal WiFI network is a dedicated signal just for our seasonal family. It’s faster than the standard HFCR network & secured with a password: wecamp2020.
Website. The Seasonal Login page on wecamp.com is dedicated to seasonal family news & updates. Check it out, the password is: wecamp2020.
Facebook. There's a closed group for seasonal campers on our Harvest Farm Facebook page. It's convenient for planning seasonal activities and fun for sharing pics & info with each other.
Since it's the beginning of the season, we'd like to ask for every one to please clean out under your campers for any unused or unneeded items, such as: cement blocks, rocks, PVC pipe, and anything else you don't want. If you set it by the road, we'll pick it up. Also, since we're getting a little late start, we've extended the due date for the balance of your seasonal site to June 15.
Finally, please know that you are loved. You are our rock, our family. We are grateful for the unique and joyful qualities each of you contributes to the whole campground and our healthy, happy camping environment. Thanks for being an awesome part of Harvest Farm; we appreciate you.