Welcome back seasonal family. Oh how we've missed you! Thanks for coming back. Below are a few things you need to know or do at the beginning of each season. Let us know if you have any questions.
First, a big warm sunny welcome to new members in our seasonal 20201 family.
Ben Anderson - site #S4
Rick & Betty Reicks - site #423
James Aubrey - site #S313
Now, a little bit of this and that to help you remember all the ins and outs of transitioning into your summer home. If you need help with anything, you know where to find us… or each other.
Septic pipe. Your camper needs a tight seal on the septic pipe. All lines should be PVC, no septic hoses. If you need the 3” pipe, we'll get it to you. Need help? Let me know.
Hoses and cords. Tie them up so we can trim under and around your camper. When you connect your water hoses, flush the lines: let water run in your sink for a while.
Electricity. As always... be mindful of your AC usage. Do your part to conserve. In other words, don’t run your air during the week when you're not here.
Spring cleaning - Please clean out any unused or unneeded items, such as cement blocks, rocks, PVC pipe, garbage, etc. from under and around your camper. Set it by the road and we'll pick it up.
Sheds/storage. No sheds, yes small storage containers. Look at the others around you and do likewise.
Firewood pallets. Want one? Reply to this email if you do. Pallets of wood come stacked 4' x 4' and are usually enough for the whole season. Cost = $120 delivered.
Recycling. Still illegal to put corrugated cardboard in a landfill in Iowa--even pizza boxes. Leave boxes next to your garbage (weekends) or next to a dumpster (weekdays).
Garbage. Still the same pick-up schedule: Weekends Only, twice/day: Friday-Sunday around 9a.m. & 4p.m. Please tie your bags and set them alongside the road. If you’re here during the week (or AFTER we pick up on Sunday afternoon), get your garbage to one of the four dumpsters located in front of the two silos near the entrance.
Canoes & kayaks. Please do NOT store them under or around your camper. Claim an empty rack in the Lean-to and store them there.
Golf carts. We still have the same three rules: (1) drive slow. (2) drive on the roads ONLY, not across the lawns. (3) drivers must be at least 12 years old/6th grade. Please.
Site dues. The balance of your site rental for 2020-2021 is due by May 15, cash or check.
Seasonal Directory. Please let us know if you want to add or change information in your listing.
Website. The seasonal page on our website, wecamp.com/login is dedicated to seasonal family news, events, & updates. Check it out, the password is: love2camp21
Facebook. There's a closed group for HFCR seasonal campers on our Facebook page. It's convenient for planning seasonal activities, sharing pics, and getting info. Request to join by completing the questions or invite a seasonal camper who isn't a member yet.
WiFI. We're expecting super speedy fiber optic connections sooner than later this season. Harmony telephone is finishing up the cable installation in our area. We're optimistically hopeful for a fast Internet. Like always, your seasonal WiFI network is a dedicated signal just for our seasonal family so you don't have to share bandwidth (speed) with weekenders. Password is the same as your seasonal login on the website (see above).
By the way, we designed a new logo last year for our 20 year anniversary… pretty awesome, right?!!